We all know that dogs are man’s best friend, but the relationship between us and our canine companions is so much more valuable than many may realise. Join us in celebrating our four-legged friends this National Dog Day and find out how interacting with their furry friends contributes to the wellbeing of the residents in our homes.
Animal therapy plays an important part in the activities schedule within our homes and contributes greatly to the wellbeing of our residents. Many of our residents are animal lovers and have shared their lives with beloved pets of their own, having the opportunity to spend time with dogs within our homes means a lot to them. We are lucky to work with several fantastic animal therapy organisations who bring their animals to our homes to interact with the residents. This might mean enjoying a cuddle with or stroking a dog, which is a great calming and stress-relieving activity that can help residents when they are feeling anxious. On other occasions our residents might play with the dogs by throwing a ball or take them on a gentle walk around the garden. The presence of a dog can be the perfect encouragement for our residents to move around and increase their activity levels.
As well as the animal therapy sessions we regularly arrange as part of our activities programme, our team members will sometimes bring their own sweet puppy pals into the home for a surprise visit with the residents. Seeing one of their furry friends arrive at the home never fails to make our residents faces light up. When residents’ relatives visit the home we are always happy for them to bring along their family dog, it means so much to the residents to see their loved ones, both human and animal.
Show some extra love to your canine companions on National Dog Day, give them an extra treat, take them on their favourite walk and give them a big hug! And if you are local to one of our homes, feel free to come in for a visit! Our residents will be thrilled to make a new four-legged friend.