During the Covid-Crisis we have had so many kind donations from families and relatives as well as from those in our local community. The staff were over the moon to receive hand-made scrubs made by Debbie Knight – Love of Scrubs. After seeing Charlotte’s post regarding PPE on Facebook, a member of the local community, Mrs. Seymour from Horsham in West Sussex, contacted Debbie and asked her if she could make the team some scrubs – perfect attire for the hot weather we’ve been having, and they wash very well!
Another fantastic donation was also provided by a local group in Farnborough called, ‘The Scrub Hub,’ they kindly donated some lovely scrub bags that our new scrubs can be put into at the end of a shift and taken home, ready to go straight into the wash. We really are so grateful for these donations, they have made a huge difference to us and added lots of lovely colour to the home!