At Windsor Court we regularly use technology to further improve the care services we provide, whether that be access to technology to facilitate resident activities or to improve efficiency in our internal operations.
We have recently introduced a new medical support system at Windsor Court, Immedicare is a telemedicine service designed to support our residents with their medical needs, rather than having to be admitted to hospital or wait for a GP appointment. Through Immedicare our staff are able to access 24/7 support from experienced healthcare professionals via video call. As well as providing advice, through this system the healthcare professionals are able to raise prescriptions and contact other medical services on our behalf, arranging appointments for residents where necessary.
This service allows for a much faster response to our residents’ medical needs, such as in the case of a fall. The healthcare professionals through Immedicare, are able to access residents’ medical records (with their permission), so understand their full history and medical needs when providing advice. It is designed to complement other healthcare services we already work with and coordinate with our local healthcare providers such as GPs and the District Nurse.
The Immedicare system has now been in place at Windsor Court for about 3 months. Our staff underwent initial training before the system was rolled out, the team felt so confident that they started using Immedicare for real applications within the home just hours after their training. With the majority of our day and night staff now fully comfortable using the system it has been truly life changing for all of us, including the residents. Hospital admissions have been halved thanks to this 24/7 access to healthcare professionals and medical advice.
Our care staff feel much more confident in supporting residents with Immedicare in place, they are able to do full observations on residents including blood pressure and temperature checks, which can then be reported directly on the Immedicare system, speeding up the process for medical assessment. In addition to 24/7 medical support for our residents, the system also offers online training courses for our staff to take part in at a convenient time. The Immedicare system has benefitted the home immensely and we are glad it has enabled us to further improve the care we provide to our residents.
If you have any questions or would like further information about the Immedicare system, our staff at the home will be happy to discuss it with you. You can also visit the Immedicare website to discover the various features and benefits of this service; https://immedicare.co.uk