Keep your loved ones warm this winter with these elderly care tips. As the days get shorter and colder it’s important to ensure that the older people in your life are kept warm this winter. You can make a difference this winter, as many elderly people stay indoor in fear of falling over which means they are might be lonelier than normal.
Here are 8 simple Winter Elderly Care Tips :
- Check that they have had their flu jab as it is free at NHS GP clinics.
- Dress for the season, lots of thin layers are better than one thick layer. Make sure that they have blankets for their feet and upper body.
- Check that they have a good pair of slippers and thermal socks for sleeping.
- Check that their central heating is working efficiently, if they can’t afford to heat all of the rooms in the house, make sure they have a hot water bottle and place it in their bed prior to going to bed. Their local authority maybe able to help with their winter fuel bill too.
- Make sure that their home is free from draughts, if you can, install thick curtains as they can keep in the heat better also make sure that doors are shut to keep in the heat.
- Make sure your loved one is eating hot meals, soups and hot drinks are a must. If you can, help them with their weekly food shop as they maybe more hesitant to go alone in bad weather. You can also help them stock up on emergency foods.
- Suggest that they exercise by walking and stretching around their home to keep circulation if they can’t walk outside.
- Ask a neighbour to salt driveways and pavements that they may use.
Check on your loved one and make sure they are warm and safe this winter, check to make sure they have your mobile phone number in case of emergencies.
Share these tips with friends and family to ensure that their loved ones stay warm this winter too.