How we are prioritising oral health and hygiene at Beritaz Care

How we are prioritising oral health and hygiene at Beritaz Care

At Beritaz Care we understand the importance of oral health and hygiene for our residents. It is a topic we are regularly educating ourselves on, and our staff have been undertaking training courses on the best ways to support our residents with their oral hygiene. We love to see our residents smile and with good oral health their smiles are even bigger.

As an often under-prioritised area of personal care, having good oral health makes a big impact on our residents’ lives. As a care provide our role is to support all areas of our residents’ personal care, but this can often vary based on the needs of the individual. In some cases, it is our role to communicate and educate our residents on the importance of their oral care, and for others we are able to assist them with oral hygiene tasks. It is also part of the care we provide to look out for signs of oral health issues, so we can help our residents seek treatment where necessary.

Oral hygiene impacts everything from our residents’ ability to eat or communicate, to their general self-esteem and comfort. This is why we are proud to support and celebrate World Oral Health Day, in the hope of shining a light on this important area of healthcare, both within and outside of the social care sector. World Oral Health Day happens each year on 20th March, the campaign aims to empower people with the knowledge, tools and confidence to secure good oral health. If you would like to find out more about World Oral Health Day you can visit;

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